ASUS G75 & G55 will be release soon !
Quote:Republic of Gamers G75 & G55
Asus G75 17.3-inch and 15.6-inch Asus G55 were present at CES 2012, on display at the Asus booth. The two gamestation will be available with Intel Ivy Bridge, the third generation of Intel Core CPU, and Nvidia GeForce graphics cards Kepler, at the top of the line for gaming, including but not currently know the exact models.
Currently the series Asus G74 and G53 Asus exploit a high-end GPU Nvidia GeForce GTX 580M, so it is plausible that future Asus G55/G75 can be customized with powerful Nvidia GeForce GTX 670m. Waiting to know the technical officers of the two gaming notebook, we can anticipate that the storage to be (up to) 1.5TB hard drive will use traditional solutions or hybrid SSD + HDD, using dual hard drive configurations.
You will be able to equip the notebook (up to) 256GB of SSD drives, as well as 16GB of 1600MHz Maximum RAM, with DVD, Blu-Ray combo or, optionally, Blu-Ray.
Design tweaks for LAN gamers
The display can have multiple resolutions: Full HD 1920 x 1080 pixels or HD + 1600 x 900 pixels, with 3D on demand. The design, as you can see from the video and photos, not much has changed with bold lines and sports, and impressive air vents. With a weight of 4.3 kg, respectively, and 3.8 kg, the two notebooks Asus G75 and G55 will be released in April at a price not yet known.
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The ROG Creed
The Republic of Gamers is committed to delivering the most innovative and best performing PC solutions to enhance the gaming experience of power users.
Rise To Power - A History of the Republic of Gamers
The Birth of a Republic  The Republic of Gamers (ROG) was formed in 2006 with the sole purpose of bringing gaming and overclocking specific hardware to gamers and overclockers the world over. Through technological innovation, design, extensive gaming and overclocking research and development, ROG hardware - specifically motherboards and graphics cards  have been on the frontline of performance and dependability, the preferred choice of champions everywhere, setting 4 new 3DMark Vantage World Records for Entry, Performance, High and Extreme presets.
Quote:Original Posted By kyra âº
Spoilerfor "Kyra - Asus G73JH":
absen jg deh user Asus G73JH br 1 hr
spek laen nya standar cuma di custom processor jadi core i7 920XM sama HDD tambah 1.5 TB
sekalian nanya dunk, kalo mau recovery asus step2 nya gmn ya? kmren uda di burn sih dvd recovery 4 biji pk ai recovery
Quote:Original Posted By terryy âº
Spoilerfor "terryy - Asus G51VX":
Narsis dikit

Quote:Original Posted By krakerz âº
Spoilerfor "krakerz - Asus G60VX-RBBX05":
ikud gan, ane juga bru bawa pulang ASUS ROG G60VX-RBBX05 dari omhugo . . . wlaupun uda 1 bulan yang lalu, telat dikit g nape . . . hha . . .

Core 2 Duo T9300 @2,53 GHz
Nvidia GTX 260M @ 1GB
OS 7 64 bit + 4GB Ram
HD 320 GB + External 160 GB + WD My Book External 1 TB
tambahannya, Xbox 360 Controller, ane bli sendiri . . . hha . .
maen di kost an puas . . gan . . hha . .
** muup fotonya rada burem, hp ane jadul . .
Core 2 Duo T9300 @2,53 GHz
Nvidia GTX 260M @ 1GB
OS 7 64 bit + 4GB Ram
HD 320 GB + External 160 GB + WD My Book External 1 TB
tambahannya, Xbox 360 Controller, ane bli sendiri . . . hha . .
maen di kost an puas . . gan . . hha . .
** muup fotonya rada burem, hp ane jadul . .
Quote:Original Posted By amie_90 âº
Spoilerfor "amie_90 - Asus G73JH-RBBX05":
mau numpang eksis gan..
baru dateng ni beberapa jam yang lalu..
masih standard..gan..
maaf fotonya rada BWK.
Quote:Original Posted By Anak_SMA âº
Spoilerfor "Anak_SMA - Asus G51JX-X1":
mau gabung boleh gk?
ane barusan dpt G51 JX-X1 dari abang ane yg balik dr seattle
ane barusan dpt G51 JX-X1 dari abang ane yg balik dr seattle
Quote:Original Posted By as yazsmien âº
Spoilerfor "as yazsmien - Asus G73":
Pdhl,sblum beli CS nya bilang G73 udh dingin,Jd ga perlu coling pad sgala..ehhh ternyata
Ane beli type notepal ergostand black

Ane beli type notepal ergostand black
Quote:Original Posted By lyuzzzz âº
Spoilerfor "lyuzzzz - Asus G73JH-A2":
absen dolo ah...
ini dia gan ROG saya

ini dia gan ROG saya
Quote:Original Posted By zado âº
Spoilerfor "zado - Asus G73JH-RBBX05":
agan2 & suhu2,, ane boleh ikut nimbrung ga?? hehehehe
minggu kmaren brusan jajan Asus G73jh-RBBX5 di lapak nya boss pemmz
perkenalkan nie anggota baru,, hehehehe
mohon bimbingan nya ya agan2,, mungkin ada yg perlu di benahi lg
Quote:Original Posted By rakujin âº
Spoilerfor "rakujin - Asus G73JH":
udah dari agustus sih gan ane belinya. beli dari pemmz.
kesan ane, reso kelewat gede buat layar segede 17 inch jadinya kecil2 semua, sekarang sih udah kebiasaan. kemaren abis ngeleg terus mati gitu pas maen battlefield 2, tapi udah beres setelah ane bersihin exhaust-nya pake vacuum cleaner.

kesan ane, reso kelewat gede buat layar segede 17 inch jadinya kecil2 semua, sekarang sih udah kebiasaan. kemaren abis ngeleg terus mati gitu pas maen battlefield 2, tapi udah beres setelah ane bersihin exhaust-nya pake vacuum cleaner.
Quote:Original Posted By thirzatorres âº
Spoilerfor "thirzatorres - Asus G51JX-SZ005Y":
laptop ane jg mau narsis gan huehehe

Quote:Original Posted By daniwin âº
Spoilerfor "daniwin - Asus G60JX-RBBX05":
ijin gabung gan
Core i5, GTS360

Core i5, GTS360
Quote:Original Posted By oink_gothic âº
Spoilerfor "oink_gothic - Asus G53JW-A1":
Malem agan agan 
Akhirnya ane bisa juga ikut nimbrung disini
Ijin gabung ya gan, ane pake versi imutnya Asus ROG G73JW alias Asus ROG G53JW-A1

Akhirnya ane bisa juga ikut nimbrung disini
Ijin gabung ya gan, ane pake versi imutnya Asus ROG G73JW alias Asus ROG G53JW-A1
Quote:Original Posted By ditok âº
Spoilerfor "ditok - Asus G50VM-X1":
sekalian ijin bergabung ya om TS, agak malu juga karna ROG ane yang paling kolot neh kayanya
sukur2 ikut mejeng di pejwan
Quote:Original Posted By p4izanagi âº
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