Kings of Convenience Fans Thread

Quote:Kings of Convenience adalah grup musik akustik beraliran indie folk-pop yang berasal dari Bergen, Norwegia. Terdiri dari Erlend Ãye dan Eirik Glambek Bøe. Kedua anggotanya berbagi peran sebagai vokalis serta bermain gitar dan keduanya menciptakan lagu bersama-sama..

Quote:Original Posted By History
Erlend dan Eirik dilahirkan pada tahun yang sama, yaitu tahun 1975. Keduanya mulai berkenalan pada usia 10 tahun dan pada usia 16 tahun mereka tergabung dalam satu grup musik bernama Skog yang beraliran rock bersama dua teman lainnya. Skog sempat merilis satu EP Tom Tids Tale, sebelum bubar dan membentuk duo bernama Kings of Convenience.
Pada tahun 2001, mereka merilis album pertamanya yang diberi judul Quiet Is the New Loud dan Ken Nelson yang pernah memproduseri Coldplay juga bertindak sebagai produser pada album ini. Beberapa saat kemudian, diluncurkan album remix berjudul Versus yang berisi beberapa lagu dari album Quiet Is the New Loud. Setelah itu, kiprah mereka hampir tidak terdengar lagi. Erlend Ãye memilih bermukim di Berlin, Jerman dan menjalankan solo karier, merilis solo album berjudul Unrest serta memiliki proyek musik yang diberi nama The Whitest Boy Alive. Sedangkan, Eirik Glambek Bøe menetap di Bergen, Norwegia.
Pada tahun 2004, mereka kembali meluncurkan album yang berjudul Riot on an Empty Street. Album ini juga didukung oleh penyanyi wanita asal Kanada, yaitu Feist. Album ini juga mengantarkan ke tingkat popularitas yang lebih tinggi dalam kancah musik internasional terlebih khusus di kalangan kaum muda Indonesia.
Setelah 4 tahun tidak menghasilkan album, kali ini mereka sedang menggarap album baru yang diberi judul Declaration of Dependence dan akan dirilis pada tanggal 2 Oktober 2009
Kings of Convenience Official Website
Kings of Convenience My Space
Kings of Convenience Facebook Fan Page
Kings of Convenience Indonesia

Quote:Kings of Convenience adalah grup musik akustik beraliran indie folk-pop yang berasal dari Bergen, Norwegia. Terdiri dari Erlend Ãye dan Eirik Glambek Bøe. Kedua anggotanya berbagi peran sebagai vokalis serta bermain gitar dan keduanya menciptakan lagu bersama-sama..
Quote:Original Posted By History
Erlend dan Eirik dilahirkan pada tahun yang sama, yaitu tahun 1975. Keduanya mulai berkenalan pada usia 10 tahun dan pada usia 16 tahun mereka tergabung dalam satu grup musik bernama Skog yang beraliran rock bersama dua teman lainnya. Skog sempat merilis satu EP Tom Tids Tale, sebelum bubar dan membentuk duo bernama Kings of Convenience.
Pada tahun 2001, mereka merilis album pertamanya yang diberi judul Quiet Is the New Loud dan Ken Nelson yang pernah memproduseri Coldplay juga bertindak sebagai produser pada album ini. Beberapa saat kemudian, diluncurkan album remix berjudul Versus yang berisi beberapa lagu dari album Quiet Is the New Loud. Setelah itu, kiprah mereka hampir tidak terdengar lagi. Erlend Ãye memilih bermukim di Berlin, Jerman dan menjalankan solo karier, merilis solo album berjudul Unrest serta memiliki proyek musik yang diberi nama The Whitest Boy Alive. Sedangkan, Eirik Glambek Bøe menetap di Bergen, Norwegia.
Pada tahun 2004, mereka kembali meluncurkan album yang berjudul Riot on an Empty Street. Album ini juga didukung oleh penyanyi wanita asal Kanada, yaitu Feist. Album ini juga mengantarkan ke tingkat popularitas yang lebih tinggi dalam kancah musik internasional terlebih khusus di kalangan kaum muda Indonesia.
Setelah 4 tahun tidak menghasilkan album, kali ini mereka sedang menggarap album baru yang diberi judul Declaration of Dependence dan akan dirilis pada tanggal 2 Oktober 2009
Kings of Convenience Official Website
Kings of Convenience My Space
Kings of Convenience Facebook Fan Page
Kings of Convenience Indonesia
Erlend Ãye

Quote:Erlend Ãye is a Norwegian musician from Bergen, best known for being part of the soft rock duo Kings of Convenience together with Eirik Glambek Bøe. He has released one solo album, Unrest, in 2003 and a mix-CD in the DJ-Kicks series in 2004.
He was born on 21 November 1975 in Bergen and formed the band Skog together with some friends in the mid 1990s. He joined the band Peachfuzz in 1996 as electric guitarist, and played several times in London between 1996-98. Ãye moved to London in 1998 and then to Manchester for the first half of 1999. When he was back home in Bergen for vacations he jammed with Bøe. They formed Kings of Convenience in 1998 and released their first album, Quiet is the New Loud in 2001.
Ãye had become interested in electronic music and spent the next years in Berlin (Nov 2002-06) or travelling around the world, recording his solo album Unrest in ten different cities (including Barcelona, Helsinki, Rome, and Turku) with ten different electronica artists such as Morgan Geist, Prefuse 73, and Schneider TM. He has toured as a DJ who sings along with the records that he plays, and in 2004 he released a remix CD in the DJ Kicks series. The album featured covers and remixes of "Always on My Mind", "It's a Fine Day" (made famous by Opus III), Cornelius, and his own songs. That year also saw the next release by Kings of Convenience.
Erlend Ãye's most recent project is the band The Whitest Boy Alive. The band originally started as an electronic band, but slowly developed into a band with no programmed elements. Erlend sings and plays guitar. The Whitest Boy Alive released the single "Burning" on 24 May 2006. Their debut album, Dreams, was released on 21 June 2006, via their record label Bubbles. The latest album of The Whitest Boy Alive called "Rules" was released on 27 February 2009.
Erlend currently lives in Bergen when not touring with The Whitest Boy Alive or Kings Of Convenience. He is involved in the Bergen music scene and spends time promoting local bands, and assists with booking at the annual Træna Festival in northern Norway.
Side Project: The Whitest Boy Alive
Eirik Glambek Bøe

Eirik Glambek Bøe (born 25 October 1975, Bergen, Norway) is a musician, writer and vocalist, best known for being part of the pop duo Kings of Convenience together with Erlend Ãye. He has studied psychology at the University at Bergen. Although his native language is Norwegian, many of his writings are in English. His girlfriend is model Ina Grung, who also appears on the Kings of Convenience CD covers.
He formed the band Skog together with Ãye in the 1990s. They formed Kings of Convenience in 1998 and released their first album Quiet is the New Loud in 2001. Ãye had become interested in electronic music and in October 2001 they released the remix album Versus. The single "Toxic Girl" brought Bøe's music to the attention of fans and received critical acclaim for its unpretentious simplicity and lyrical quality. In 2004 Kings of Convenience released Riot on an Empty Street which was followed by a European and North American tour in 2005.
In 2006 he supported Ãye's band The Whitest Boy Alive at some dates on their Scandinavian tour with another band Kommode. Kommode features members of Skog, except for Ãye.
In a rare guest vocal appearance, Bøe sings on the track "How My Heart Behaves" on Feist's 2007 release, The Reminder.
In October 2009 Kings of Convenience released a third studio album Declaration of Dependence on the Astralwerks label.
Eirik has one child with Ina Grung.
Side Project: Kommode
Quote:Erlend Ãye is a Norwegian musician from Bergen, best known for being part of the soft rock duo Kings of Convenience together with Eirik Glambek Bøe. He has released one solo album, Unrest, in 2003 and a mix-CD in the DJ-Kicks series in 2004.
He was born on 21 November 1975 in Bergen and formed the band Skog together with some friends in the mid 1990s. He joined the band Peachfuzz in 1996 as electric guitarist, and played several times in London between 1996-98. Ãye moved to London in 1998 and then to Manchester for the first half of 1999. When he was back home in Bergen for vacations he jammed with Bøe. They formed Kings of Convenience in 1998 and released their first album, Quiet is the New Loud in 2001.
Ãye had become interested in electronic music and spent the next years in Berlin (Nov 2002-06) or travelling around the world, recording his solo album Unrest in ten different cities (including Barcelona, Helsinki, Rome, and Turku) with ten different electronica artists such as Morgan Geist, Prefuse 73, and Schneider TM. He has toured as a DJ who sings along with the records that he plays, and in 2004 he released a remix CD in the DJ Kicks series. The album featured covers and remixes of "Always on My Mind", "It's a Fine Day" (made famous by Opus III), Cornelius, and his own songs. That year also saw the next release by Kings of Convenience.
Erlend Ãye's most recent project is the band The Whitest Boy Alive. The band originally started as an electronic band, but slowly developed into a band with no programmed elements. Erlend sings and plays guitar. The Whitest Boy Alive released the single "Burning" on 24 May 2006. Their debut album, Dreams, was released on 21 June 2006, via their record label Bubbles. The latest album of The Whitest Boy Alive called "Rules" was released on 27 February 2009.
Erlend currently lives in Bergen when not touring with The Whitest Boy Alive or Kings Of Convenience. He is involved in the Bergen music scene and spends time promoting local bands, and assists with booking at the annual Træna Festival in northern Norway.
Side Project: The Whitest Boy Alive
Eirik Glambek Bøe
Eirik Glambek Bøe (born 25 October 1975, Bergen, Norway) is a musician, writer and vocalist, best known for being part of the pop duo Kings of Convenience together with Erlend Ãye. He has studied psychology at the University at Bergen. Although his native language is Norwegian, many of his writings are in English. His girlfriend is model Ina Grung, who also appears on the Kings of Convenience CD covers.
He formed the band Skog together with Ãye in the 1990s. They formed Kings of Convenience in 1998 and released their first album Quiet is the New Loud in 2001. Ãye had become interested in electronic music and in October 2001 they released the remix album Versus. The single "Toxic Girl" brought Bøe's music to the attention of fans and received critical acclaim for its unpretentious simplicity and lyrical quality. In 2004 Kings of Convenience released Riot on an Empty Street which was followed by a European and North American tour in 2005.
In 2006 he supported Ãye's band The Whitest Boy Alive at some dates on their Scandinavian tour with another band Kommode. Kommode features members of Skog, except for Ãye.
In a rare guest vocal appearance, Bøe sings on the track "How My Heart Behaves" on Feist's 2007 release, The Reminder.
In October 2009 Kings of Convenience released a third studio album Declaration of Dependence on the Astralwerks label.
Eirik has one child with Ina Grung.
Side Project: Kommode
Quiet Is the New Loud (2001)

01. Winning a Battle, Losing the War (03.51)
02. Toxic Girl (03.07)
03. Singing Softly To Me (03.01)
04. I Don't Know What I Can Save You From (04.34)
05. Failure (03.31)
06. The Weight of My Words (04.04)
07. The Girl From Back Then (02.28)
08. Leaning Against the Wall (03.16)
09. Little Kids (03.43)
10. Summer on the Westhill (04.30)
11. The Passenger (03.10)
12. Parallel Lines (05.11)
Versus (2001)

01. I Don't Know What I Can Save You From (Röyksopp Remix) (04.56)
02. The Weight of My Words (Four Tet Remix) (03.03)
03. The Girl From Back Then (Riton's Ãber Jazz Mix) (04.53)
04. Gold For The Price Of Silver (Erot Vs. Kings of Convenience) (04.12)
05. Winning a Battle, Losing the War (Andy Votel Mix) (04.23)
06. Leaning Against the Wall (Evil Tordivel Upbeat Remake) (03.43)
07. Toxic Girl (Monte Carlo 1963 Version)(03.06)
08. Failure (Alfie Version) (03.35)
09. Little Kids (Ladytron Fruits of the Forest Mix) (04.47)
10. Failure (Single Version) (03.34)
11. Leaning Against the Wall (Bamboo Soul Remix) (03.29)
12. The Weight of My Words (Four Tet Instrumental Remix) (05.29)
Riot on an Empty Street (2004)

01. Homesick (03.13)
02. Misread (03.08)
03. Cayman Islands (03.03)
04. Stay Out of Trouble (05.04)
05. Know-How (03.58)
06. Sorry or Please (03.47)
07. Love is no Big Truth (03.48)
08. I'd Rather Dance With You (03.49)
09. Live Long (02.58)
10. Surprise Ice (04.23)
11. Gold in the Air of Summer (03.34)
12. The Build-Up (04.06)
Declaration of Dependence (2009)

1. 24-25 (3:38)
2. Mrs. Cold (3:11)
3. Me in You (3:09)
4. Boat Behind (3:41)
5. Rule My World (3:31)
6. My Ship Isn't Pretty (3:47)
7. Renegade (4:16)
8. Power of Not Knowing (2:23)
9. Peacetime Resistance (2:54)
10. Freedom and its Owner (3:24)
11. Riot on an Empty Street (3:59)
12. Second to Numb (3:40)
13. Scars on Land (3:44)
Playing Live in a Room (2000)

1. Toxic Girl
2. Singing Softly To Me
3. Into The Ring Of Fire
4. Parr-A-Pluie
5. Until You Understand
Magic in the Air (2001)

1. Winning a Battle, Losing the War (03:23)
2. Manhattan Skyline (04:14)
3. Riot on an Empty Street (03:27)
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Quiet Is the New Loud (2001)
01. Winning a Battle, Losing the War (03.51)
02. Toxic Girl (03.07)
03. Singing Softly To Me (03.01)
04. I Don't Know What I Can Save You From (04.34)
05. Failure (03.31)
06. The Weight of My Words (04.04)
07. The Girl From Back Then (02.28)
08. Leaning Against the Wall (03.16)
09. Little Kids (03.43)
10. Summer on the Westhill (04.30)
11. The Passenger (03.10)
12. Parallel Lines (05.11)
Versus (2001)
01. I Don't Know What I Can Save You From (Röyksopp Remix) (04.56)
02. The Weight of My Words (Four Tet Remix) (03.03)
03. The Girl From Back Then (Riton's Ãber Jazz Mix) (04.53)
04. Gold For The Price Of Silver (Erot Vs. Kings of Convenience) (04.12)
05. Winning a Battle, Losing the War (Andy Votel Mix) (04.23)
06. Leaning Against the Wall (Evil Tordivel Upbeat Remake) (03.43)
07. Toxic Girl (Monte Carlo 1963 Version)(03.06)
08. Failure (Alfie Version) (03.35)
09. Little Kids (Ladytron Fruits of the Forest Mix) (04.47)
10. Failure (Single Version) (03.34)
11. Leaning Against the Wall (Bamboo Soul Remix) (03.29)
12. The Weight of My Words (Four Tet Instrumental Remix) (05.29)
Riot on an Empty Street (2004)
01. Homesick (03.13)
02. Misread (03.08)
03. Cayman Islands (03.03)
04. Stay Out of Trouble (05.04)
05. Know-How (03.58)
06. Sorry or Please (03.47)
07. Love is no Big Truth (03.48)
08. I'd Rather Dance With You (03.49)
09. Live Long (02.58)
10. Surprise Ice (04.23)
11. Gold in the Air of Summer (03.34)
12. The Build-Up (04.06)
Declaration of Dependence (2009)
1. 24-25 (3:38)
2. Mrs. Cold (3:11)
3. Me in You (3:09)
4. Boat Behind (3:41)
5. Rule My World (3:31)
6. My Ship Isn't Pretty (3:47)
7. Renegade (4:16)
8. Power of Not Knowing (2:23)
9. Peacetime Resistance (2:54)
10. Freedom and its Owner (3:24)
11. Riot on an Empty Street (3:59)
12. Second to Numb (3:40)
13. Scars on Land (3:44)
Playing Live in a Room (2000)
1. Toxic Girl
2. Singing Softly To Me
3. Into The Ring Of Fire
4. Parr-A-Pluie
5. Until You Understand
Magic in the Air (2001)
1. Winning a Battle, Losing the War (03:23)
2. Manhattan Skyline (04:14)
3. Riot on an Empty Street (03:27)
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KOC Official Video Clip

I'd Rather Dance With You

Cayman Islands


The Build Up

Freedom and it's Owner

Toxic Girl

Mrs. Cold

Boat Behind

Me In You

I'd Rather Dance With You
Cayman Islands
The Build Up
Freedom and it's Owner
Toxic Girl
Mrs. Cold
Boat Behind
Me In You
wah ada threadnya koc..
enak nih lagunya...
nitip lapak gan.. mampir ya....
nitip lapak gan.. mampir ya....
homesick ama cayman island
gw suka KOC karena easy listening dan terutama suara vokalisnya bening sekali

gw suka KOC karena easy listening dan terutama suara vokalisnya bening sekali
yang trit lama kenapa emang pakbos?
Quote:Original Posted By danwidi âº
yang trit lama kenapa emang pakbos?
udah ga aktif ts nya bro, uda minta ijin jg buat bikin tret yg baru..
band fav gw kasian klo tret nya terlantar
Quote:Original Posted By enjooy âº
udah ga aktif ts nya bro, uda minta ijin jg buat bikin tret yg baru..
band fav gw kasian klo tret nya terlantar
wokeehh, lanjut gan... dirawat baek2 ya
mereka vakum ato gimana? trus The Whitest Boy Alive gmana kabarnya?
gw kira dah bubar abis balik dari indo kemaren
wah trit baru ya
rule my world
Quote:Original Posted By danwidi âº
wokeehh, lanjut gan... dirawat baek2 ya
mereka vakum ato gimana? trus The Whitest Boy Alive gmana kabarnya?
vakum sih ngga, kayanya lg keliling aja di negara asalnya..
Quote:Some gigs in Norway:
October 6 in Trondheim at Storsalen @ Samfundet
October 7 in Drammen at Union Scene
October 15 in Stavanger at Stavanger Konserthus
klo band nya Erlend itu ane jg kurang tau gmana kabarnya
Kings of Convenience Live @ Soundsations 2010, Jakarta

gold int the air of the summer

tambahin gan, proyekan whitest boy alive
tambahin gan, proyekan whitest boy alive
Quote:Original Posted By gwcupubgt âº
gold int the air of the summer
tambahin gan, proyekan whitest boy alive
udah ada tritnya
Quote:Original Posted By gwcupubgt âº
gold int the air of the summer
tambahin gan, proyekan whitest boy alive
band selingkuhannya Erlend ya, enak jg tuh gw jg demen
coba kesini bro
The Build-Up (feat. Feist)
wihh mantap.. lagu lagu klo lg ngablu
nice thread gan!
nice thread gan!
Quote:Original Posted By enjooy âº
band selingkuhannya Erlend ya, enak jg tuh gw jg demen
coba kesini bro
oh, ada toh...
si erland nama keluarganya lucu, Oye
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