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\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tTerima kasih.
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tTerima kasih.
Paramore - Hello Cold World
Paramore - In The Mourning
Live in the UK 2008
Spoilerfor trackliuk:
Disc 1
1. For a Pessimist, I'm Pretty Optimistic
2. Born for This
3. Emergency
4. Never Let This Go
5. Fences
6. Let the Flames Begin
7. When It Rains
Disc 2
1. Crushcrushcrush
2. Pressure
3. Here We Go Again
4. That's What You Get
5. My Heart
6. Decoy
7. Misery Business
2010 Summer Tour EP
Spoilerfor trackst:
1. "Ignorance, live" (Paramore)
2. "My Heart, live" (Paramore)
3. "Back in Your Head, live" (Tegan and Sara)
4. "Sheets" (Tegan and Sara)
5. "IÂm The Fool" (New Found Glory)
6. "Gonna Stay" (Kadawatha)
Acoustic EP
Spoilerfor tracka:
01. Decode (Acoustic)
02. LoveÂs Not A Competition (But IÂm Winning)
03. Misery Business (Acoustic)
04. Pressure (Acoustic)
05. ThatÂs What You Get (Acoustic)
06. My Hero (Acoustic)
07. Here We Go Again (Acoustic)
08. Hallelujah (Acoustic)
The B-Sides
Spoilerfor trackbs:
Tracklist :
1. Decoy
2. Another Day
3. Oh Star
4. Stop This Song
5. Just Like Me
6. Temporary
7. My Hero
8. Stuck On You
9. Hello Hello
10. When It Rains (Demo)
11. Emergency (Alternate Version)
12. Rewind (Demo)
13. This Circle
14. Adore
15. My Number One
16. Here We Go Again
17. Sunday Bloody Sunday
Brand New Eyes (Instrumental)
Spoilerfor trackbnii:
01 careful
02 ignorance
03 playing god
04 brick by boring brick
05 turn it off
06 the only exception
07 feeling sorry
08 looking up
09 where the lines overlap
10 misguided ghosts
11 all i wanted
Piano Collections
Spoilerfor trackpv:
1. Intro
2. I Caught Myself (Piano Version)
3. Let This Go (Piano Version)
4. Breathe (Piano Version)
5. Brighter (Piano Version)
6. Let The Flames Begin (Piano Version)
7. We Are Broken (Piano Version)
8. Franklin (Piano Version)
9. Decode (Piano Version)
Spoilerfor Music Video:
Paramore Videography - Here
Paramore - Crushcrushcrush - Here
Paramore - Decode (Band Performance Version) - Here
Paramore - Pressure - Here
Paramore - Thats What you Get - Here
Paramore - Misery Business - Here
Paramore - Hallelujah - Here
Paramore-Ignorance - Here
Paramore - Brick By Boring Brick - Here
Paramore - The Only Exception - Here
Paramore - Careful - Here
Paramore - Playing God - Here
Spoilerfor Covering Song:
PARAMORE - Use Somebody Acoustic Cover (KoL) BBC Radio 1 Live Lounge
Paramore at Radio 1Live lounge - Love is not a competition (Kaiser Chief)
Paramore - Long Distance Call (Phoenix cover)
Paramore "My Hero" (Foo Fighter) Live at Camp Arifjan, Kuwait
Spoilerfor Hayley Williams:
B.o.B - Airplanes (Feat. Hayley Williams of Paramore)
Bad Romance - Hayley Williams (Lady Gaga Cover)
In The Mourning - Hayley Williams
Teenagers - Hayley Williams [Jennifer's Body]
MP3 Download
Spoilerfor Concert:
MTV Live @ Hard Rock Cafe ( 2007 ) - Here
Live Norwegian Wood - Here
Live in Anaheim - Here
Live @ KROQ - Here
The Final RIOT! (Complete DVD9) - Here
4Music Favorites Brand New Eyes Special - Here
MTV Unplugged 2009 - Here
LIive @MTV Ulalume Fest - Here
Live Taratata (2009) - Here
Live At BBC Radio's 1 Big Festival ( 2010 ) - Here
Reading & Leeds Festival - Here
Live at Z100′s Jingle Ball 16-12-2010 - Here
Paramore @FBR 15 anniversary - Here
Paramore @Pomona - Here
Untuk download Video yang HD bisa di sedot di SINI
Quote:Original Posted By Ayreserya âº
Rencananya tanggal 8 Agustus, sabtu besok nih mau diadain gathering..
ngumpul - ngumpul aja sih sekalian kita karaoke bareng - bareng..
ikutan dong semuanya, newbie nya juga jangan takut buat ikutan, kita gak gigit kok
jangan kenalan dimari doang gan asik ngobrol, tapi didunia nyata nya juga yaa..
nahh kalo pada niat ikutan langsung konfirmasi ya, biar kita bisa booking room nya supaya gak mubazir nanti booking room nya yg small tapi yg dateng banyak begitu juga sebaliknya..
ayoo kita karaokean sambil headbang bareng
mari warnai gathering Paramore Kaskus di bulan ini..
Tempat: Inul Vista Plaza Festival, Kuningan (yg kemaren dateng paramore nite radioshow pasti tau nih)
Pukul: 5 sore (kita kumpul dulu ya, biar masuk ke inul nya bareng)
CP: Ayres 085810118933
Quote:Our Twitter
Group Paramore Kaskus On Facebook
Group Barcode Paramore Kaskus
ParaFans Kaskus Jawa dan Sumatera
ParaFans Kaskus Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Bali, Malaysia
First Gathering (Plaza Semanggi)
Spoilerfor parakaskus:
Paramore Nite (The Rock, Kemang)
Spoilerfor parakskus:
Gath Kedua, Food Court Senayan City
FR Presale dan normal tiket Paramore Concert
FR Rapat ParaFest 25 Juni di EX Plaza Indonesia
FR Paramore Festival at Pantai Indah Ancol 25 Juni 2011
FR Karaoke Paramore Kaskus @Inul Vista 9 Juli 2011
FFR Gath Paramore Kaskus @ Plaza Semanggi
May 3 2011
schzimmydeanie Jeremy Davis
Oh yes im stoked!!!RT @paramore: Paramore in Indonesia! #paramore
May 3 2011
yelyahwilliams Hayley Williams
Indonesia!!! Told ya we wouldn't forget you! Are you ready for this? RT @paramore: Paramore in Indonesia! #paramore
May 10 2011
yelyahwilliams Hayley Williams
I just woke up to pictures of so many people lining up to buy presale tix for our shows in Indonesia! I AM SO EXCITED! Let's go now!
May 10 2011
schzimmydeanie Jeremy Davis
Line outside Presale for our Jakarta show...this is awesome!!
August 13 2011
yelyahwilliams Hayley Williams
Hong Kong... Bali... Jakarta... Singapore. We're coming to get all of you. It begins 2moro night. If you don't have a ticket yet, it's time!
August 17 2011
itstayloryall Taylor York
We're gonna play a show in Bali tonight. That. Is. Crazy. So stoked!
August 17 2011
yelyahwilliams Hayley Williams
ready to melt faces in Bali tonight. who's gonna be there?
August 18 2011
yelyahwilliams Hayley Williams
1st show in Indonesia was a success. Thank you very much, Bali. Jakarta, you're next!!
August 18 2011
yelyahwilliams Hayley Williams
dead tired! hanging in jakarta, indonesia... i can't believe we're finally here.
August 20 2011
yelyahwilliams Hayley Williams
Jakarta, Indonesia. OMG!!!
August 20 2011
itstayloryall Taylor York
INDONESIA! Those shows were amazing. Y'all are amazing. I can't wait till next time. U R DA BEZT!
September 9 2011
paramore paramore
Hayley's Tour Diary: Part 4 #paramore
Paramore was in the news a lot late last year due to the very-publicized departure of two members. The band, however, is back with a new lineup, playing shows, and, from the sounds of their tour diaries courtesy of front woman Hayley Williams, feeling stronger than ever. Here's her fourth installment, which recounts the band's experiences playing to their rabid fans in Jakarta.
For three years, I've been told that the biggest Paramore fans in the world are in Jakarta, Indonesia. My Twitter was constantly flooded with messages and mentions (every day for THREE YEARS) from people there who were begging us to come. It never seemed to fit into our touring schedule, and meanwhile, all our friends had played multiple shows in Indonesia and raved about it. We kept bugging our booking agents to make it happen and I guess they eventually got sick of hearing our whiney voices.
We made it official earlier this year when we announced the show in a video update on our website. You would've thought that it rained gold coins or something the way our fans reacted. Around 6,000 people showed up for the ticket pre-sale. What?! If that weren't enough, the promoter of the show decided to put on this big festival in our honor. He was all, "We shall call it Parafest." The idea was for it to feel like a pre-concert concert.
So at this Paramore Festival -- it almost sounds silly! -- they held a battle of the bands, a graffiti art competition as well as other games where you could win meet and greets for our show; they even had musical fireworks! We should talk about these fireworks...
Earlier this summer, I was sitting up late one night when I came across a video from the festival. I had heard that they were going to be having it but wasn't sure when or what it was going to be like. The video had this still image of fireworks in the air before you pressed play so I immediately became a six-year-old at a 4th of July barbecue. I watched the whole thing twice and I cried like a baby the second time. The fireworks were perfectly timed with our song "Careful." What an interesting choice that they picked one of our heavier, darker songs to do the show to! It really hit me hard. The whole time I was watching all I could think about were the things we'd been through last year; how I wished that all five of us could have been watching that fireworks show together, because when we started the band we never believed anything like this could ever happen. Here were these amazing people all the way across the world we'd never met before, and they knew our songs and who we were and they cared. We're blessed.
Now, the three of us have finally taken the stage in Jakarta and witnessed with our own eyes what our Indonesian fans had been telling us all along. The crowd was more passionate and aggressively into it than just about anywhere we've been. A kid came on stage during "Misery Business" and two-stepped with me! He was smiling so big and had his arm around my neck like we were old friends. The way those people made us feel on that stage was beyond comprehension. There was something amazing in the air and it wasn't the weird smell coming from catering.
I couldn't say or type enough about our experience in Jakarta. What I will say is this: it won't be another six years before we go back.
Spoilerfor Aturan Penukaran Voucher:
1. Yang bisa menukar Voucher adalah pembeli voucher dengan identitas seperti tertera di Voucher
2. Membawa ID asli seperti yang tertera di Voucher
3. Tidak diperkenankan untuk menitip voucher untuk ditukarkan
4. Penukaran bisa dilakukan di H-1 di kantor kami atau di hari H di venue
5. Waktu penukaran pada H-1 adalah jam 08.00-22.00 dan pada hari H adalah 08.00-14.00
6. Apabila membeli pada rekan tiket box kami, maka kami akan menyediakan tempat penukaran di hari H
7. SANGAT DISARANKAN UNTUK MENUKAR PADA H-1 untuk menghemat tenaga dalam menghadapi konser
Spoilerfor Tips Menghadapi konser di bulan puasa:
1. Tidur yang cukup, tidak perlu begadang untuk mencapai front stage
2. Cari tempat yg teduh dalam mengantri, karena hampir dipastikan kalau di Ancol dan Bali dalam kondisi terik matahari
3. Hindari berjalan jauh dalam venue ancol karena kami menyediakan bus2 dari semua gate ancol menuju pantai karnaval
4. Sahur yang mantab (bagi yg berpuasa)
Spoilerfor Sarana&Prasarana di Ancol:
1. Mushola di hari H terletak di ex Police Academy
2. Puluhan toilet umum
3. Ambulance dan pemadam kebakaran
4. Booth makanan didalam venue untuk berbuka puasa
5. Mushola di H-1 terletak di muka jalan masuk menuju pantai karnaval (dekat
bende raksasa)
6. Tenda raksasa untuk penukaran tiket dan mengantri masuk
7. Puluhan bus
8. Lapangan parkir utk 1000 mobil dan 6000 motor
9. Tempat untuk menunggu bagi pengantar penonton
10. Nanti kalo inget gw tambahin lagi.... (maap kebanyakan soalnya
Spoilerfor Layout Ancol:
Now We Start The Games
Spoilerfor Aturan Games:
1. Kuiz ini bukan kuiz tanya jawab melainkan Games yang memancing kalian semua untuk berpartisipasi dalam thread ini selain kita berdiskusi
2. Setiap posting kelipatan 500 akan mendapatkan hadiahnya tp gw sangat mengharapkan no junker disini
(kecuali gw
3. Setiap periode ditutup setelah kelipatan posting sebanyak 500 post
4. Hadiah akan gw tentukan setelah setiap periode berakhir
5. Untuk periode pertama ini hadiahnya adalah 1 buah tiket gratis.
6. Buat yg udah beli tiket, hadiah ini tetep jadi haknya. Kalau tidak mau bisa dihibahkan kepada teman or kerabat
7. Pemenang Games bisa berkali2. Karena hadiahnya kita usahakan gak akan sama disetiap periode.
8. Ada satu periode yang hadiahnya Ketemu Langsung sama Paramore
.... so tunggu aja yak
9. Games ini hanya berlaku di thread ini saja.
10. Bagi Junker or yg pernah ngejunk.... Postingnya tidak akan dihitung....
11. Setiap pemenang harus minimal posting sebanyak 10 x di thread ini dengan posting yg bermutu. Kalau pemenang tidak mempunyai 10 post disini akan dinyatakan gugur.
12. Pemenang harus menggunakan prime ID selama berpartisipasi dalam thread ini.

Spoilerfor Aturan Games:
1. Kuiz ini bukan kuiz tanya jawab melainkan Games yang memancing kalian semua untuk berpartisipasi dalam thread ini selain kita berdiskusi
2. Setiap posting kelipatan 500 akan mendapatkan hadiahnya tp gw sangat mengharapkan no junker disini
(kecuali gw
3. Setiap periode ditutup setelah kelipatan posting sebanyak 500 post
4. Hadiah akan gw tentukan setelah setiap periode berakhir
5. Untuk periode pertama ini hadiahnya adalah 1 buah tiket gratis.
6. Buat yg udah beli tiket, hadiah ini tetep jadi haknya. Kalau tidak mau bisa dihibahkan kepada teman or kerabat
7. Pemenang Games bisa berkali2. Karena hadiahnya kita usahakan gak akan sama disetiap periode.
8. Ada satu periode yang hadiahnya Ketemu Langsung sama Paramore
.... so tunggu aja yak
9. Games ini hanya berlaku di thread ini saja.
10. Bagi Junker or yg pernah ngejunk.... Postingnya tidak akan dihitung....
11. Setiap pemenang harus minimal posting sebanyak 10 x di thread ini dengan posting yg bermutu. Kalau pemenang tidak mempunyai 10 post disini akan dinyatakan gugur.
12. Pemenang harus menggunakan prime ID selama berpartisipasi dalam thread ini.
Quote:tribute to paramore @radioshow_tvone [full version]
Quote:fr, paramore live at garuda wisnu kencana, bali 17 agustus 1945
-full band set-
feeling sorry
thatÂs what you get
for a pessimist iÂm pretty optimistic
playing god
-acoustic set-
when it rains
where the lines overlap
misguided ghosts
- full band set-
here we go again
looking up
the only exception
brick by boring brick
misery business
Spoilerfor :


Rambut Baru Hayley

baru ya nih? 
numpang ah
numpang ah
Another Picture Taken From Paramore Concert 19 August 2011.
Indahnya Berbagi
Spoilerfor Hayley Williams:
Spoilerfor Jeremy Davis:
Spoilerfor Taylor York:
Spoilerfor Bonus:
Spoilerfor flip:
Spoilerfor hhe:
Spoilerfor Video:
ntar nuker tiketnya jadi jam 7 ya?
Yg di sevel?
Yg di sevel?
Field Report ~Paramore~ Concert @GWK-Bali 17/08/11 - @paramoreina @paramorekaskus @olgaontwitter
Wahh rumah baru...
Wahh rumah baru...
Quote:Original Posted By yully âº
Field Report ~Paramore~ Concert @GWK-Bali 17/08/11 - @paramoreina @paramorekaskus @olgaontwitter
Wahh rumah baru...
abis baca2... ada salto di pressure... hahaiii.. ga sabarrrr...
semoga pekiwan
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