About the Game
In the future, the last survivors of the Great War continue their fight with the ultimate war machine: the AirMech®. Created using lost technology, Pilots have found, salvaged, or stolen AirMechs that they use to protect the weak, or to pillage. Which side do you fight for?
AirMech® is a fast paced Action-RTS game that can be played online competitively or cooperatively. Earn Kudos and Experience in battle and unlock a wide collection of AirMechs, Pilots, Units and Items to customize your army to suit your own strategy.
Key Features:
Action-Strategy Reimagined: DotA-style gameplay with transforming robots each with their own unique stats and abilities. Fast paced action and shorter game lengths keep the battle intense!
Customize Your Army: Choose your AirMech and your Units to take into battle and help your team claim victory. Also unlock custom Variant AirMechs (skins) to have a unique look ingame.
Different Game Modes: Play PvP from 1v1 to 3v3, or play Coop vs AI. Survival mode puts up to 4 players working together to fight off incoming hordes of enemies. Challenge modes let you test your skills in time trials.
Control Options: Supports both mouse/keyboard and Xbox 360 gamepad. Controls can also be completely customized for personal preference.
System Requirements
OS:Windows XP
Processor:Pentium 4
Memory:2 GB RAM
Graphics:8800 GT
Hard Drive:100 MB HD space
Other Requirements:Broadband Internet connection
Additional:System specs are temporary, gathering more data.
OS:Windows 7
Processor:Core 2 Duo
Memory:4 GB RAM
Graphics:8800 GT
Hard Drive:200 MB HD space
Other Requirements:Broadband Internet connection
Additional:System specs are temporary, gathering more data.
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ID AirMech : Blankface
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ID AirMech : Blankface
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ID AirMech : SpaceTrooper
ID Steam : revengersyndromejr
ID AirMech : RitzJr
ID Steam : shilone1
ID AirMech : shilone
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D Steam: blacksweet257
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ID Steam : spike7xp
ID AirMech : spikexp
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ID AirMech : ar3ia
ID Steam : thecobra117
ID AirMech : littlep1p
ID Steam : raflycrazy
ID AirMech : Elegancy
ID Steam : azharhida
ID AirMech : azharhida
ID Steam : jendar_hoppus
ID AirMech : jendar
ID Steam : fai2902
ID AirMech : fai2902
ID Steam : m1d4zzz
ID AirMech : midass2012
ID Steam: Skyguardian18
ID AirMech: skyguardian
Kaskus Group
GUIDEQuote:Original Posted By Thunder13 âº
Guide bagi para agan2 yg baru maen ato pengen nambah skill
Special Thanks to : Thunder13
Quote:Guide Lainnya
Kamus AirMech
Special Thank's to agan nstealth
Spoilerfor MMA:
Spoilerfor Striker:
Skill Upgrades:
Skill 1: Air-to-Air Missiles
Fires air-to-air missiles that will only lock on to enemy Airmechs that are in Air form
Lvl 1: Enabled
Lvl 2: +30% damage
Lvl 3: +60% damage
Skill 2: Power Sword and Shield
Enables you to use power sword and shield for melee strikes in Ground form
Lvl 1: Enabled
Lvl 2: +20% damage
Lvl 3: +40% damage
Skill 3: (Passive) stronger Armor
Lvl 1: +5% armor
Lvl 2: +10% armor
Lvl 3: +20% armor
Spoilerfor CHOPPER:
Skill Upgrades:
Skill 1: Homing / Heatseeking Missiles
Fires missiles that will lock on to enemy Airmechs in Air or Ground form. Ground form missiles will also lock on to nearby enemy units
Lvl 1: Enabled
Lvl 2: +30% damage
Lvl 3: +60% damage
Skill 2: (Passive) Stronger Armor
Lvl 1: +5% armor
Lvl 2: +10% armor
Lvl 3: +20% armor
Skill 3: (Passive) Increase Carrying Efficiency and Carrying Speed
Lvl 1: +10% efficiency
Lvl 2: +20% efficiency
Lvl 3: +30% efficiency
Spoilerfor BOMBER:
Skill Upgrades
Skill 1: Bombs
Drops bombs from your Airmech directly to the ground below
Lvl 1: Enabled
Lvl 2: +15% Faster drop rate
Lvl 3: +20% Faster drop rate
Skill 2: Mantis Strike
Enables you to charge up a "Mantis Strike" in Ground form, which when released, fires a projectile that does massive damage to a single target. Gains bonus armor while charging up
Lvl 1: Enabled, +10% armor while charging up
Lvl 2: +20% damage, +20% armor while charging up
Lvl 3: +40% damage, +30% armor while charging up
Skill 3: (Passive) Ground Speed
Lvl 1: +5% Ground Speed
Lvl 2: +10% Ground Speed
Lvl 3: +15% Ground Speed
Spoilerfor NEO:
Skill Upgrades
Skill 1: Cloaking Device
Hides your Airmech and make it invisible from the radar
Lvl 1: Enabled
Lvl 2: +30% Energy efficiency
Lvl 3: +60% Energy efficiency
Skill 2: Stasis Blast
In Ground form, your Airmech will emit a Stasis Blast that slows nearby enemy units movement speed and attack speed by 50% for 4 seconds. In addition, enemy mechs caught will be slowed and unable to change form for the duration.
Lvl 1: Enabled
Lvl 2: +10% Cooldown speed
Lvl 3: +20% Cooldown speed
Skill 3: (Passive) Stronger Armor
Lvl 1: +5% armor
Lvl 2: +10% armor
Lvl 3: +20% armor
Spoilerfor SAUCER:
Skill Upgrades:
Skill 1: Blink
Teleport movement for your Airmech while in Air form. Uses significant energy but enables you to escape instantly
Lvl 1: Enabled
Lvl 2: +10% Boost and energy efficiency
Lvl 3: +20% Boost and energy efficiency
Skill 2: Energy Shield
Puts up a shield that converts physical damage to damage your energy instead.[I]
Lvl 1: Enabled
Lvl 2: +10% Shield effectiveness
Lvl 3: +20% Shield effectiveness
Skill 3: Abduction
[I]Hover over an enemy unit to reprogram and convert them to your side.
Lvl 1: Enabled
Lvl 2: +25% abduction speed
Lvl 3: +50% abduction speed
Spoilerfor OSPREY:
Skill Upgrades
Skill 1: Heal
In Air mode: Heals the units in an area below you. In Ground mode: Emits a focused healing wave that heals the unit in front of you.
Lvl 1: Enabled
Lvl 2: +25% Effectiveness
Lvl 3: +50% Effectiveness
Skill 2: (Passive) Stronger Armor
Lvl 1: +5% armor
Lvl 2: +10% armor
Lvl 3: +20% armor
Skill 3: (Passive) Increase Carrying Efficiency and Carrying Speed
Lvl 1: +10% efficiency
Lvl 2: +20% efficiency
Lvl 3: +30% efficiency
Spoilerfor WARTHOG:
Skill Upgrades:
Skill 1: Spray Fire
Your gun will fire air-to-ground, or ground-to-air, in a less focused spray fire that does only 50% of the damage
Lvl 1: Enabled
Lvl 2: +15% damage
Lvl 3: +30% damage
Skill 2: (Passive) Increase Spinup Speed and Increase Firing Move Speed
Lvl 1: +33% Spinup, +8% Firing move speed
Lvl 2: +66% Spinup, +16% Firing move speed
Lvl 3: +100% Spinup, +24% Firing move speed
Skill 3: (Passive) Increase Guns Damage
Lvl 1: +5% Damage
Lvl 2: +10% Damage
Lvl 3: +15% Damage
Special Thank's to 93N371CFR34K
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