Selamat Pagi-Siang-Sore-Petang-Malam Agan & Sista....
Sebelumnya maap klo semisal repost (klo repost mohon momod delet aja trit ini)
Dan bukan juga bermaksud menyebarkan bajakan, tp hanya untuk pengetahuan saja.
Gini gan ane dah lama nemu inikumpulan file instalasi windo*s xp x64, masalahnya sih bukan windo*s nya, tapi besar file instalasi nya yg di kompres.
Besar file kompresnya cuma sekitar9,28MBtapi pas di extract jadi membengkak3.49GB
Perbedaan yangsangat sangat sangat besarini yg ane bingung, gimana caranya bisa kompresi seperti itu? pake kompresi apa dan seperti apa? apa ada program yg share?
Mohon sangat untuk petunjuk/saran/apa aja bagi mastah-mastah kompresi file, programer dll disini, dah lama ane cari2 caranya kenapa, tp belum nemu2
Klo mau coba liat filenya ane simpen nih filenya (file instalasi udah ane scan pake Kaspersky 2012 & ga ada virus):
Spoilerfor SCREEN-SHOOT:
Spoilerfor SCAN KASPERSKY 2012:



Spoilerfor Isi info di Dalam Installation Disc:
Release: Windows x64 DVD
Filename: x64dvd-x***.iso
Type: OS
Format: ISO
Archives: 1x4.7GB
Date: 11/2005
Hardware requirements:
Windows XP Professional x64 Edition is designed to meet the demands of customers who require large amounts of memory and floating point performance in areas such as mechanical design and analysis, 3-D animation, video editing and composition, and scientific and high-performance computing applications.
Windows Server 2003, x64 Edition is well-suited for high-performance computing (HPC) clusters, Terminal Services, Active Directory data stores larger than 2 GB, databases, business applications, Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0, and memory-bound applications.
The DVD contains 6 x64 versions of Windows, which can be installed by either booting to the DVD or starting the installations from within another x64 installation of Windows. It also will create standalone ISO's of any included version of Windows.
This DVD Contains:
Windows XP x64 Retail
Windows XP x64 Corporate Windows 2003 x64 Enterprise Retail Windows 2003 x64 Enterprise Corporate Windows 2003 x64 Standard Retail Windows 2003 x64 Standard Corprate
NOTE: This version is not a dupe of WinBeta's Windows Server 2003 AIO as XiSO's is purely x64, contains a krack, and does not corrupt boot sectors on 64 bit installations. (WinBeta's AIO 64 bit installs did not work correctly when booting off the dvd and corrupted the boot sector while attempting to install
1. Burn to DVD and reboot to install (you cannot start the setup from within 32 bit windows.) or start installation from within an existing 64 bit version of Windows.
2. CD Keys:
Windows XP x64: *****-*****-*****-*****-*****
Windows XP x64 Corp: *****-*****-*****-*****-*****
Windows 2003 Std. x64: *****-*****-*****-*****-*****
Windows 2003 Std. x64 Corp: *****-*****-*****-*****-*****
Windows 2003 Ent. x64: *****-*****-*****-*****-*****
Windows 2003 Ent. x64 Corp: *****-*****-*****-*****-*****
3. Run AntiWPA3.cmd in the AntiWPA folder to disable activation in non-corprate installs.
All software included in this release is only intended for your use if you own a legal license to this software. We are not to be held responsible for illegal use/installation of this software. If you choose to install and test this software and you decide to keep it, you must purchase a valid license. If you do not own legal license to this software we will not be held responsible for any charges brought against you by any software company(s) or people working for any software company(s). We do not support piracy, we are here only to provide an evaluation.
Brought to you by X***
**** = sengaja ane sembunyiin, takut dikira nyebarin bajakan (lengkapnya ada dlm file installation disc)
Salah Satu Caranya dari aganMangJon:
Uncompress "Gila!!!" Yang Jalan (Game) dari aganrollass :
Spoilerfor rollass:
Mohon jangan
Klo Tritnya menarik boleh donk ane minta

Terima Kasih Sebelumnya Agan/Sista
Sebelumnya maap klo semisal repost (klo repost mohon momod delet aja trit ini)
Gini gan ane dah lama nemu inikumpulan file instalasi windo*s xp x64, masalahnya sih bukan windo*s nya, tapi besar file instalasi nya yg di kompres.
Besar file kompresnya cuma sekitar9,28MBtapi pas di extract jadi membengkak3.49GB
Perbedaan yangsangat sangat sangat besarini yg ane bingung, gimana caranya bisa kompresi seperti itu? pake kompresi apa dan seperti apa? apa ada program yg share?
Mohon sangat untuk petunjuk/saran/apa aja bagi mastah-mastah kompresi file, programer dll disini, dah lama ane cari2 caranya kenapa, tp belum nemu2
Klo mau coba liat filenya ane simpen nih filenya (file instalasi udah ane scan pake Kaspersky 2012 & ga ada virus):
Spoilerfor SCREEN-SHOOT:
Spoilerfor SCAN KASPERSKY 2012:


Spoilerfor Isi info di Dalam Installation Disc:
Release: Windows x64 DVD
Filename: x64dvd-x***.iso
Type: OS
Format: ISO
Archives: 1x4.7GB
Date: 11/2005
Hardware requirements:
Windows XP Professional x64 Edition is designed to meet the demands of customers who require large amounts of memory and floating point performance in areas such as mechanical design and analysis, 3-D animation, video editing and composition, and scientific and high-performance computing applications.
Windows Server 2003, x64 Edition is well-suited for high-performance computing (HPC) clusters, Terminal Services, Active Directory data stores larger than 2 GB, databases, business applications, Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0, and memory-bound applications.
The DVD contains 6 x64 versions of Windows, which can be installed by either booting to the DVD or starting the installations from within another x64 installation of Windows. It also will create standalone ISO's of any included version of Windows.
This DVD Contains:
Windows XP x64 Retail
Windows XP x64 Corporate Windows 2003 x64 Enterprise Retail Windows 2003 x64 Enterprise Corporate Windows 2003 x64 Standard Retail Windows 2003 x64 Standard Corprate
NOTE: This version is not a dupe of WinBeta's Windows Server 2003 AIO as XiSO's is purely x64, contains a krack, and does not corrupt boot sectors on 64 bit installations. (WinBeta's AIO 64 bit installs did not work correctly when booting off the dvd and corrupted the boot sector while attempting to install
1. Burn to DVD and reboot to install (you cannot start the setup from within 32 bit windows.) or start installation from within an existing 64 bit version of Windows.
2. CD Keys:
Windows XP x64: *****-*****-*****-*****-*****
Windows XP x64 Corp: *****-*****-*****-*****-*****
Windows 2003 Std. x64: *****-*****-*****-*****-*****
Windows 2003 Std. x64 Corp: *****-*****-*****-*****-*****
Windows 2003 Ent. x64: *****-*****-*****-*****-*****
Windows 2003 Ent. x64 Corp: *****-*****-*****-*****-*****
3. Run AntiWPA3.cmd in the AntiWPA folder to disable activation in non-corprate installs.
All software included in this release is only intended for your use if you own a legal license to this software. We are not to be held responsible for illegal use/installation of this software. If you choose to install and test this software and you decide to keep it, you must purchase a valid license. If you do not own legal license to this software we will not be held responsible for any charges brought against you by any software company(s) or people working for any software company(s). We do not support piracy, we are here only to provide an evaluation.
Brought to you by X***
**** = sengaja ane sembunyiin, takut dikira nyebarin bajakan (lengkapnya ada dlm file installation disc)
Spoilerfor LINK DOWNLOAD FILE KOMPRESI INSTALASI WINDO*S:****.com/s/8vgc95zoxk3ymmne0b5o
hilangkan tanda bintang****, klo downloadnya lemot maap karena quota di box ane sehari cm 1 GB alias free
hilangkan tanda bintang****, klo downloadnya lemot maap karena quota di box ane sehari cm 1 GB alias free
Salah Satu Caranya dari aganMangJon:
Uncompress "Gila!!!" Yang Jalan (Game) dari aganrollass :
Spoilerfor rollass:
Quote:Original Posted By rollassâº
kalo ane pernah dapet file GTA san andreas portable gan,,,dari 500 mb jadi 4,5 giga,,,,kagak tau bijimane ngompresnya,,,dan gak ada yang corrupted
kalo ane pernah dapet file GTA san andreas portable gan,,,dari 500 mb jadi 4,5 giga,,,,kagak tau bijimane ngompresnya,,,dan gak ada yang corrupted
Mohon jangan
Klo Tritnya menarik boleh donk ane minta
Terima Kasih Sebelumnya Agan/Sista
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