Senin, 24 Desember 2012

Alienware Lounge

Alienware Lounge 1

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Forum ini hanya tentang Alienware. tidak boleh Out Of Topic (OOT)
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Alienware is an American computer hardware company and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Dell, Inc. It mainly assembles third party components into desktops and laptops with custom enclosures for high-performance gaming. These products also support graphically intense applications such as video editing, simulation, and audio editing. Alienware also offers for sale rebadged computer peripherals, such as headsets, computer mice, monitors and keyboards. Alienware was founded in 1996 by Nelson Gonzalez and Alex Aguila. Alienware's corporate headquarters is located in The Hammocks, unincorporated Miami-Dade County, Florida, near Miami.


Established in 1996, Alienware assembles high end performance desktops, notebooks, and workstations. According to employees, the Alienware name was chosen because of the founders' fondness for the hit television series The X-Files, hence the theme to their products, with names such as Area-51, Hangar18, m15x, and Aurora.

Alienware was originally established to tap a niche in the high performance gaming market, which back then was not on the radar of the major PC manufacturers such as Dell. Since high-end hardware was not widely distributed, the company's founders formed an OEM which sold personal computers with the highest performing hardware and settings according to benchmarks[citation needed]. The company products are also differentiated by their science-fiction based designs.

Acquisition and current status

Dell considered buying Alienware since 2002, but did not take any action until March 22, 2006, when it agreed to purchase the company. The new subsidiary maintained its autonomy in terms of design and marketing. However, Alienware's access to Dell's supply chain, purchasing power, and economies of scale would lower its operating costs.

Initially, Dell maintained its competing XPS line of gaming PCs, often selling computers with the same specifications. The XPS line may have hurt Alienware's market share within its high-end market segment. Due to corporate restructuring in the spring of 2008, the XPS brand was scaled down. Product development of gaming PCs was consolidated with Dell's gaming division, with Alienware becoming Dell's premier gaming brand. On June 2, 2009, The M17x was introduced as the First Alienware/Dell branded system. Alienware now represents the premium performance space in DellÂ’s consumer family of products.This launch also expands AlienwareÂ’s global reach from six to 35 countries.

On March 25, 2009, Alienware stated that it was considering closing its manufacturing bases in Athlone, County Westmeath, Ireland, and in Miami, Florida. Source

Tips and Trick
1. Bagi pemilik M15x dan M17x, hati" apabila ingin mengistal ulang windows dr cd recovery dan cd driver yang diberikan Alienware. Cd driver yang di berikan ternyata versi lama, sehingga apabila di instal pada laptop maka akan menyebabkan rusaknya AlienFX yang pada banyak kasus juga dapat merusak motherboard. Sebaiknya download driver dari situs Alienware disini.

2. Bila ingin menggunakan laptop tanpa batrai, pastikan laptop dalam keadaan mati dan cabut adaptor sebelum melepas batrai. Melepas batrai saat laptop dalam keadaan menyala dapat merusak batrai.

3. Lag yang dialami saat menggunakan laptop dengan batrai (tidak di charge). coba pastikan setingan power apakah sudah High Performance

4. Pada saat menggunakan batrai, stealth mode tidak dapat digunakan. Stealth mode hanya dapat di gunakan apabila laptop di charge

I Love Kaskus Terima kasih kepada seluruh pengunjung thread ini I Love Kaskus

Klik disini Website resmi Alienware

Official Blackberry Messenger Group Alienware Lounge
Alienware Lounge 7
Updated October 10th 2011

Alienware Laptop

Alienware Lounge 8

Spoilerfor "Alienware M11x":

Alienware Lounge 9
Alienware Lounge 10
Alienware Lounge 11
Alienware Lounge 12

Alienware M14x
Alienware Lounge 13

Spoilerfor "Alienware M14x":

Alienware Lounge 14
Alienware Lounge 15
Alienware Lounge 16
Alienware Lounge 17

Alienware M17x
Alienware Lounge 18

Spoilerfor "Alienware M17x":

Alienware Lounge 19
Alienware Lounge 20
Alienware Lounge 21
Alienware Lounge 22

Alienware M18x
Alienware Lounge 23

Spoilerfor "Alienware M18x":

Alienware Lounge 24
Alienware Lounge 25
Alienware Lounge 26
Alienware Lounge 27

Alienware di Indonesia

Di Indonesia Alienware di perkenalkan pada tanggal 4 Desember 2009. pada waktu itu Alienware hanya mengeluarkan 2 produk laptop yaitu M15x dan M17x

M15x di Indonesia memiliki spesifikasi:
Processor Intel core i7 720QM (6MB Cache, 1.60GHz)
Vga Nvidia GeForce GTX260M 1GB
Memory 4GB DDR3 at 1333MHz
Harddisk 500GB
Operating system windows 7 home premium
Layar 15.6" High definition WLED
Camera 1.3MP
Dual layer multi burner- dvd rw
15 Bulan McAfee anti virus
dan garansi 1 tahun
Alienware Lounge 28
Alienware M15x dipasarkan dengan harga sekitar $2.319

M17x di indonesia memiliki spesifikasi:
processor intel core 2 quad Q9000 (6MB cache, 2.00GHz, 1066FSB)
vga dual nvidia geforce gtx 260M 1GB
memory 4GB DDR3 at 1067MHz
harddisk 500GB sata dengan raid1
operating system windows 7 home premium
layar 17" beyond high definition 900p WXGA+
dual layer multi burner-dvd rw drive
15 bulan McAfee antivirus
dan garansi 1 tahun
Alienware Lounge 29
Alienware M17x dipasarkan dengan harga sekitar $3.319

meneruskan sukses yang telah dicapai 2 produk pendahulunya, Alienware pada Mega Bazaar 3-7 Maret 2010 mengeluarkan laptop terbarunya yaitu M11x dan desktop Area-51

M11x di indonesia memiliki spesifikasi:
Processor Intel Core 2 Duo SU7300 (1.3GHz)
Vga Nvidia Geforce GT335M 1GB
Memory 4GB dual channel DDR3
Harddisk 500GB sata
Operating system windows 7 home premium
Layar 11.6" wide hd 720p
dan garansi 1 tahun
Alienware Lounge 30
Alienware M11x dipasarkan dengan harga sekitar $1.549

Area-51 di Indonesia memiliki spesifikasi:
Processor Intel Core i7 920M (3.2 GHz, 8MB cache)
vga nvidia geforce gtx 260-sli
memory 6GB ddr3 at 1333MHz
harddisk 640GB sata
operating system windows 7 home premium
dvdrw dual layer drive
1 tahun garansi
monitor alienware optx aw 2210 21.5" full hd widescreen display
Alienware Lounge 31
Alienware Area-51 dipasarkan dengan harga sekitar $3.134

Alienware Area-51 merupakan desktop pc dengan platform full tower. Di Amerika Alienware telah mengeluarkan desktop pc dengan platform middle tower yang di beri nama Aurora dan Aurora Alx. kita berdoa saja semoga di Indonesia Aurora segera di pasarkan. Di Amerika Alienware Area-51 juga memiliki seri yang lebih tinggi yaitu Area-51 Alx dengan performa yang jauh lebih tinggi.

Alienware Aurora Alienware Lounge 32

selain komputer desktop dan laptop, alienware juga mengeluarkan produk headset tactx, keyboard tactx, dan mouse tact x

di indonesia keyboard alienware tactx dibandrol dengan harga sekitar $120, mouse alienware tactx dibandrol dengan harga sekitar $80 dan headset alienware tactx dibandrol dengan harga sekitar $70
Alienware Lounge 33Alienware Lounge 34Alienware Lounge 35

Show your Alienware

Spoilerfor "maspras23":

Alienware Lounge 36
Alienware Lounge 37

Spoilerfor "jugan":

Quote:Original Posted By juganâ–º
mejeng dolo gan punya aneAlienware Lounge 38I Love IndonesiaI Love Indonesia

Spoilerfor "alex setiawan":

Quote:Original Posted By Alex Setiawanâ–º
Numpang lewat, Gan Ngacir

Spoilerfor "malu saya":

Alienware M11X

Alienware Lounge 42

Spoilerfor andie_kw:

Quote:Original Posted By andie_kw â–º
Alienware Lounge 43

Alienware Lounge 44

cuman ada 2 gan hahaha,soalnya m11x nya ud ane tuker tambah ama G51J

Spoilerfor knickkknockk:

Quote:Original Posted By knickkknockk â–º
malam semuaa..

numpang bentar ya gan..
pada tgl 26 Juni 2010, gua deal ama bos Pemmz, pesen Alienware M11x dgn spek sebagai berikut:

Genuine Windows® 7 Home Premium (64-bit)
Intel® Core i7 640UM (4M Cache, 1.2 GHZ with 2.266 GHz Max Turbo Frequency) - Overclockable
1 Year Basic Plan
4GB Dual Channel DDR3 at 800MHz
Bluetooth Module, 2.1+ Enhanced Data Rate
No Internal WWAN Antenna Installed
Alienware M11x, Soft Touch Stealth Black
Alienware M11x a/b/g/n 2x2 MIMO Wireless
11.6-inch WideHD 1366x768 (720p) WLED
1GB NVIDIA® GeForce® GT 335M
Internal High-Definition Surround Sound Audio (5.1)
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Alienware M11x 90W A/C Adapter
Integrated 10/100 Network Interface Card
Automatic Updates: On
1.3MP Web Cam
Standard Nameplate

dan pada tgl 17 Juli 2010, barang sampai ke saya, dengan penampilan sebagai berikut:

Spoilerfor box:

Alienware Lounge 45

Spoilerfor inside the box:

Alienware Lounge 46

Spoilerfor free laptop case:

Alienware Lounge 47

Spoilerfor black box:

Alienware Lounge 48

Spoilerfor inside the black box:

Alienware Lounge 49

Spoilerfor alienware box:

Alienware Lounge 50

Spoilerfor inside the alienware box:

Alienware Lounge 51

Spoilerfor inside the alienware box 2:

Alienware Lounge 52

Spoilerfor alienware sleeves:

Alienware Lounge 53

Spoilerfor alienware M11x:

Alienware Lounge 54

Spoilerfor alienware M11x closer look:

Alienware Lounge 55

Spoilerfor open:

Alienware Lounge 56

Spoilerfor start up:

Alienware Lounge 57

Spoilerfor starting windows:

Alienware Lounge 58

Spoilerfor welcome:

Alienware Lounge 59

Spoilerfor adaptor with imperator:

Alienware Lounge 60

Spoilerfor adaptor with onyx:

Alienware Lounge 61

Spoilerfor bottom:

Alienware Lounge 62

Spoilerfor batt indicator:

Alienware Lounge 63

Spoilerfor lycosa mirror with imperator dan M11x:

Alienware Lounge 64

Spoilerfor imperator on alienware:

Alienware Lounge 65

Spoilerfor my rig:

Alienware Lounge 66

saat ini belum bisa memberikan 'review', soal nya gak tau cara nya heheheh..
kalo ada yg mo ajarin boleh sih hehehe..

demikian 'preview' M11x ane..

kalo berkenan, mohon di up ke page one aja ya TS, thanks..

nb: mana nih M15x nya bro macproo hehe..

oh iyah, kalo ada yg nanya kok body nya berwarna gitu, bukan warna itam??
itu karena di tempelin sticker body protector ama bro Pemmz, dan sekalian di pakein screen protector hehehe.. gak apa deh jelek dikit penampilan, yg penting aman sentosa, soalnya masih baru hehehehehee..

mohon maaf kalo kabur yah soalnya masih nubi hehe..

sekian dan terima kasih Smilie

Spoilerfor croocklyn:

Quote:Original Posted By croocklyn â–º
maap gan ini baru bisa upload..baru dapet koneksi yang yahuud Big Grin

Alienware Lounge 69

for spech : Malu

Intel Core 2 Quad Processor Q9000
(2.0 GHz/1066MHz FSB/6 MB Cache)
4 GB DDR3 SDRAM 1333 mhz (2 Dimms)
320GB SATA Hard Drive (7200 RPM)
Slot Load Dual Layer DVD Burner (DVD+/-RW, CD-RW)
17 inch Wide WUXGA (1920 x 1200 - 1200P)
1GB Single nVidia GeForce GTX 260M
Internal Dual Band 802.11a/g/n
Windows Vista Business+Free Win7 UPGRADE

makasih semoga berkenan om

Spoilerfor MacProo:

Quote:Original Posted By MacProo â–º
Btw cara bikin yang kyk show/hide gmn yah?

Alienware Lounge 72


[Spoiler]Alienware Lounge 73[spoiler]

Alienware Lounge 74

Spoilerfor bahat:

Quote:Original Posted By bahat â–º
gw blom pernah ngasih sesajen yah ke tred ini Big Grin

Spoilerfor My M15X:

Alienware Lounge 76

Alienware Lounge 77

Alienware Lounge 78

Alienware Lounge 79

@TS : pajang di depan dong Big Grin

Spoilerfor ~yamapii~:

Quote:Original Posted By ~yamapii~ â–º
oia blm smpet kasih liat aw saya ya
biar yg liat tambah mupeng pgn beli alienware

Spoilerfor eng ing eng:

Alienware Lounge 81

Spoilerfor coolernya kekecilan:

Alienware Lounge 82

Spoilerfor mejikuhibiniu:

Alienware Lounge 83

Spoilerfor mejikuhibiniu2:

Alienware Lounge 84

Spoilerfor bonus xbox gamepad lhoo:

Alienware Lounge 85

Spoilerfor eeeh dapet senheiser juga lhoo:

Alienware Lounge 86

sbnernya masih banyak lg bonus ny, kyk kaos AW glow in the dark, tas laptop, mousepad, bodi protector.

ok boleh di pajang di page one maspras

Spoilerfor jugan:

Quote:Original Posted By jugan â–º
misi gan mw mejengin adek m15x ane

Spoilerfor M11X:

Alienware Lounge 87

Spoilerfor M11X:

Alienware Lounge 88

punya gw hahaha
i7 820qm
8gb ddr3 1333mhz
gtx 260m
Blueray ROM
sisanya sama lah
Alienware Lounge 89

Alienware Lounge 91

Alienware Lounge 92

Quote:Original Posted By maspras23 â–º

I Love Kaskus Terima kasih kepada seluruh pengunjung thread ini I Love Kaskus

Website resmi Alienware

kasih liat bos yang mantap itu di rumah..Angkat Beer
ntar klo ane punya dateng lgsg ane pajang juga da biar rame ini thread

Kali ini ane pengen coba buka alienware blackberry messenger grup..mana tau bisa ngbrl2 dan share..bisa di bwh ini barcodenya dan klo butuh ap2 mendadak kan ga perlu nunggu di kaskus ampe di riplay hehe

Alienware Lounge 96


YAng perlu di ingat adalah
1. jgn pernah instal command center dariDVD/CD DRIVERyang di kasih oleh alienware karena akan/di jamin menyebabkan motherboardnya rusak sehinggal alienware FX tidak berfungsi/keyboard dan yang lain tidak bisa menyala solusi ganti motherboard..

2. instal command center dr download di website dell dan itu harus di instal paling belakang artinya smua driver harus instal terlebih dahulu baru command centernya..

itu saja yang paling penting..

kasi skrinsut donk gan benchmark pake alienware..
mana tau minat.Smilie

Quote:Original Posted By â–º
kasi skrinsut donk gan benchmark pake alienware..
mana tau minat. Smilie

Itu udh bos tp emg yg pake alienware jarang haha..mahlnya ga ketolong gan..ntr ane punya dtg lgsg foto dah

@TS masukin videoyoutube sama reviewnya biar menarik minatAlienware Lounge 99

eits keren banget ada Alienware Lounge ! gw lom punya alienwareHammer (S)cause masih gw masih SMP..

kapan yh bsa punya alienware

hemmmm alienware termasuk notebook high end dimata publik
dan harganya pun bsa dibilang setara dengan kualitas diberikan
doain gw aja dah biar kebeli ni notebook mantapMalu
bantu sundulSundul:

Quote:Original Posted By mieayamkreo â–º
hemmmm alienware termasuk notebook high end dimata publik
dan harganya pun bsa dibilang setara dengan kualitas diberikan
doain gw aja dah biar kebeli ni notebook mantapMalu
bantu sundul Sundul:

iya bos harganya +/- adalah
m11x 12jtan
m15x 20jtan
m17x 27jtan

gan gw bener2 mau nanya.. alienware sama macbook bagusan mana? ane tertarik sama m11X. terus counternya alienware dimana ya? thanks banget! pm ya yg tau!I Love KaskusI Love KaskusI Love Kaskus

Quote:Original Posted By kamitidaktakut â–º
gan gw bener2 mau nanya.. alienware sama macbook bagusan mana? ane tertarik sama m11X. terus counternya alienware dimana ya? thanks banget! pm ya yg tau! I Love KaskusI Love KaskusI Love Kaskus

cek pm gan
Cek PM

Bagi yng mau beli alienware bisa cari ke salah satu seller
1 pemmz
2 omhugo
3 cetyaone
mereka2 iniRecommended Seller

Ikutan gan M15x user

Absen!!!...semoga thread ini makin membantu memberikan informasi faktual dan ajang sharing buat Alienware users!!!

Sukses all!!


Angkat Beer

misi gan ,ane mau absen alienware ane
tp masih shipping
itu klo bli 1 laptop alienware, isi box nya apaan? ada tasnya kah?
m15x punya ane

Quote:Original Posted By bimetal â–º
misi gan ,ane mau absen alienware ane
tp masih shipping
itu klo bli 1 laptop alienware, isi box nya apaan? ada tasnya kah?
m15x punya ane

isi boxnya adapter, kabel power, buku manual, 2 cd, topi, mouse pad, stiker, sm kabel display port.

tasnya g dapet, gan

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